My Beginnings
In May of 2017, after five years of teaching, I quit my job in Jackson, Tennessee to move back to Missouri, closer to my family. I never could have imagined the whirlwind of emotions I would go through for the next few months.
Being someone that struggles with change, I felt completely overwhelmed by the newness of everything. New job, new church, new friends, new everything!
I felt like I had just done this five years ago when I had moved to Tennessee after college. Why did I put myself through all of this again?
One thing I have learned to be true: change is hard, but it allows us the opportunity to grow. John Maxwell put it even better when he said: "Change is inevitable, growth is optional".
As I doubted what to do next, I decided that it was finally time to put away my fears and chase my dream - becoming a full time professional photographer! I had already taken photos for family and friends and they helped encourage me to make this step. They truly helped me believe I could do it!
So, in this time of uncertainty I have decided to choose growth over fear, worry, or doubt. And to anyone else out there starting a new job, or maybe you've just moved, or are growing your family, I am with you!